Filter for Specific Club Types

How do I filter for specific club types? Advanced search in Contacts doesn’t have that filter; it only searches for all club members. We have a few different clubs and I would like to work with a specific group within the greater club. Any help is appreciated.

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You could use list builder to make a list for one club, then put them all in a contact type. Then you can filter on the contact type in Contacts.

Maintaining a club contact type however is a recipe for disaster in the long run. I would create a temp contact type, do what you need to do, then delete it each time.

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I just had the realization last week that I couldn’t filter my contact list based on club membership. There are definitely work arounds like ElJefe mentioned. Out of curiousity what are you trying to accomplish with the list? There could be an easier way!

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there are many things I need to do with specific club types. For example, they receive different wines so marketing to them in a specific way is important. Also, identifying them for reporting purposes is really important. Dissecting the entire club through specific parameters is not easily accomplished.

Using Listbuilder to create Contact Types that have the members of specific clubs you are marketing to will be helpful as @ElJefe said. If you are going do this I think you might run into issues with that information not being accurate (since the Contact Types won’t auto-update) and not being up to date, so make sure to very frequently update those lists.

You can add a group of contacts to a Contact Type much easier than you can delete them, so I think this is where he’s saying creating new lists each time might save you some agony.

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Yes. As you add and delete club members - or as they add themselves online - you won’t always remember to also take care of the contact type. Better to create it as needed and delete when finished.

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