Login on Mobile Takes Members to Edit Profile Screen

Trying to figure out how to make the “Login” feature for our Club Members redirect to the former page the customer was on, not go to “Edit Profile.” Desktop version is working fine.


I think your site probably has that page as the referrer string set in the code.like this: referrerQueryString=“method=memberEditAccount.editProfile”. That’s why it takes them to that page.

In most cases, to me, having that on the website is fine. Someone visits your home page, logs in, it’s fine to have them be on the edit profile page at that point.

If you want to control the referrer, you can do so. I only know one way to do it, grab the PAGEID of the page you want it to send them to, for example, and then code something like this as your link in an email that has a “log in” button, but you want them to go to a specific dedicated landing page after that. (rather than force they click the email again, for example).


It’s the part after %3D that you’d update with the appropriate pageID. You can get that variable in the page properties of the content editor.

Thank you!