Gzip compression for mobile speed

Analyzing our site with https://testmysite.withgoogle.com/intl/en-gb/ showed that our mobile speed is slower than recommended because ‘compressible resources were served without gzip compression.’

Can Vin65 enable gzip compression support on the web servers used for our site?

Brought this up to @karson once, he can give you his take on it.

Hey Shannon,

A large focus right now is the checkout, we’ve been hard at work improving these tools, in order to give wineries the best possible setup to sell more wine.

Gzipping our assets is something we’re looking into as well, no immediate release date.

We’ve been working on intergrading new design elements, technologies released in the last few years, and building it so we can continue adapting to new things that pop up.

We’re going to be soon working with some of our beta clients to get feedback on some of these tools. If you’re interested you can signup - https://documentation.vin65.com/News-Release/Beta-Program

Amazon and ApplePay payment options by April 1, 2017. Make it happen and there’s a month’s supply of Tim Hortons donuts for you guys.