Has anyone tried canceling a PayPal order?

I did a test using my personal PP, and it worked (yay!). Then as I do I just cancelled the WD order right away.

I see the original payment but still no sign of the refund in my personal PP account after several hours. (My funds source was a credit card.)

I also do not see in my Biz PP account any sign of the purchase being refunded.

The WD order shows it as Canceled and Voided in the Payment tab.

Do I also need to process a refund in my Biz PP account to get the refund through?

Still no sign of a refund…

yes, you will need to refund the order on both Vin65, AND Paypal’s site. I learned this one the hard way too.


Seems like a good FAQ item, doesn’t it? :wink: @carisen

@ElJefe and @rmcguire - our specs actually intend for a cancellation placed in WD to also refund in PayPal automatically without you needing to access their side. I’ll be happy to do some digging in the ticket you’ve submitted @ElJefe and let everyone here know of our findings shortly.

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OK cool! I did go ahead and process the refund at PayPal. Let me know what I can do.


@ElJefe and @rmcguire - we have fixed this bug. Cancelling an order paid for using PayPal will trigger a refund to be performed on PayPal’s end automatically. No longer a two step process!

Cheers :slight_smile:

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