Hiding clutter

I just put in my regular feature request to hide inactive admins, card updater notes, seasons.

But it occurs to me if they would make the Sort by feature actually work, I could have the first one by sorting. Does the sort work for anyone else?

28 PM


Not for me. Funny, all the other sorts work except that one (never tried it as we’re new to Vin65 and don’t have that many admins).

I agree on the card updater notes. Even though we’re new, they are already junking up the notes section. Our previous system allowed us to create different note types and then select only the types we wanted to see. That was a really useful CRM feature so you could easily get to the notes you needed to see in a flash.


YES to this! And not just Admins, but Sales Associates too!

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Yes, that too! Please put in your feature requests!

(And also, why do inactive sales associates show up in drop downs?)