We’re thrilled to launch our new and improved idea sharing platform: WineDirect Ideas. This replaces our old feature request process and provides unprecedented transparency to the entire WineDirect community.
We know in the past some of you have used our Community Forum to share ideas and get support from other users: now, you can comment and vote on each others ideas directly in WineDirect Ideas.
Please check out our FAQs for answers to questions including “Where are my past ideas?” “How many votes do I get?” etc. Also happy to take questions here
We hope you find the new tool useful and look forward to your feedback!
Just kidding. Nice work! I hope your users can constructively work together to push forward big picture items and fix the smallest, most annoying bugs.
I love New Ideas! It is so nice to be able to see the list of ideas I have submitted and instructive to see what others would like. The tool is also very educational in that I get ideas of what others are trying to do with the system and feedback on where my ideas fall in the list of priorities from other users.
Just one question. How do I post with my name rather than as a guest. It’s confusing to read the comments when they’re all from “guests”.
Good news @vicky (and everyone else) we’ve figured out the Guest / name display issue. Next time each person logs in, their name will populate in the forum