NEW: Community Guidelines!

All - we know we’ve been a little AWOL from this forum but we’d like to kick it off again as an opportunity for some sharing of ideas.

Below are a few guidelines to help keep this forum focused on community help.

  1. The community is meant to be client-to-client help, tips, tricks, etc.
  2. You are free to comment or add new categories as you please.
  3. Specific technical issues should be handled in a ticket (, not in this forum.
  4. All posts are publicly available to all community members, so don’t post anything you don’t want others to see.
  5. Inappropriate posts (rude, bullying, etc.) will be deleted depending on the severity, the account of the poster may be removed.
  6. No trolling! If you’re a troll, your account will be removed.

Report trolls and inappropriate posts to


Andrea Smalling