Refer a Friend to help grow club membership

I haven’t seen any discussion about a Referral a Friend program within Vin65. In my work outside the wine industry, I have found this type of program to be a very successful and cost effective way to grow membership. I have figured out a way to manage this in Vin65 but it is rather clunky. I am interested to know if anyone else is doing this. Thanks!


I’d also like to know if anyone has a way to implement this type of program. It’s something we’ve wanted to do for a while but have had difficulty getting it started.

Uber leveraged referrals to help build a massive customer base. I’d like to see some slick tools built into Vin65.

There are some inducement laws that wineries would need to be cognizant about, however.

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We have a referral program that is managed separate from Vin65, would like to see a program in Vin65, too.

Interesting…can you elaborate on inducement laws? I’m new to the industtry and don’t want to mis-step :wink:

What are you using to manage your referral program?

I’m not a lawyer, so I advise you discuss this with your winery’s counsel and compliance, but there are various restrictions for things you could potentially give away when dealing with alcohol.

Sorry, just saw this! Currently we’re using an old fashioned manual way of tracking using excel. It is not ideal at all.

Hi Jacqueline,

Do you find your referral program beneficial and how much has it increased your membership?

My guess is that the real power of a referral system can’t be measured without a sophisticated, integrated system to run it.

Exactly…we haven’t implemented ours yet because I don’t have an automated, effective way to do it. So…we might try and email outreach and make the “Who referred you?” box on the sign up form more prominent. But that’s manual and not accurate…frustrating.

If it’s not easy, natural and beneficial to customers, they won’t bother with it either.

“Aye, there’s the rub.” - WS