Just set up our Vin65 web site. BUT the naked web address does not send people to the www address.
Vin65 says that they have to use the www.Bingham.wine. Which is OK with me, but every other Vin65 site that I have seen sends the naked web address to the www one.
For example if a person types in Bingham.wine, I want them to be sent to www.Bingham.wine.
I have check three friends web sites that are with Vin65, and they all point to their www.site.
If I set up a forward on my server, will that take care of it? Or does it mess up the www.Bingham.wine site? I can do this, but I don’t want to if it will mess up the site.
Thanks for any help.
Hey Betty!
Thanks for reaching out! Our IT team took a look into the issue, and it looks like the redirector for the site wasn’t working. He’s fixed it up at this point, so you should be able to use the naked web address at this point without a problem!
Kindest Regards,
Thank you for your help.
Yes, it works now. I just thought that someone could help if I had something set wrong since it seemed like so many other wineries sites actually worked that way.
I just think that the consumer will be less confused if they can use both. Thank you again.
Hey Betty,
I 100% agree. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and I’m glad we caught it when we did.