Allocation Inventory


I am having an issue with a certain allocation. When I scroll down to the allocation stats to view the amount sold and the remaining amount in inventory, they do not add up to the initial amount we started with. For example, event tickets. So I ran a “sales summary by product” report and discovered that the amount missing in the allocation stats was the amount sold using a different sales type, admin panel instead of website. Why is it that the admin panel sales are not included in the numbers under allocation stats? A few pictures attached for better understanding.

allocation stats
sales by sku

Thank you!

Hi Marisa,

It seems like 87 members purchased multiple tickets for both saturday and sunday. Meanwhile in the Admin Panel a total of 42 tickets were manually purchased by admin staff for customers which would fall under this allocation (unless you setup the admin panel to override the allocation limits). The Allocation must’ve allowed people to purchase multiple tickets?

