Issue with event tickets

Wondering if anyone has experienced this. We had a customer purchase two tickets. When I run the report, it shows that they purchased 5 tickets. They paid for two and only ordered two but the report is showing 5 tickets each with their own ticket code. I have reported this to support but wondering if others have seen this.

Yes, and I have reported same - however the ones I have caught have all been doubled, 2 becomes 4 and 4 becomes 8.

My support ticket number 65636, last heard from @carisenr on 5/29.

ElJefe, thank you. Yes, I just got a note back from Carisen and it does seem that they know it is a problem but I did not receive any indication that it will be fixed. For us, it was a pretty big issue. We rely on the report to let us know how many tickets we sold and to cut off sales for the event. The impacted event is a small dinner and we have since turned some folks away but now am trying to reach back out to them to sell the open tickets that we thought were sold.

This brings me to a much bigger issue. Do we need a published bug list? I would see it working something like a Wiki that we as users could document what is not working so future users don’t spend a bunch of time trying to figure out whether this is a bug or if we have set something up wrong. I am often surprised when I report issues that they are already known by the support team but they do not inform anyone. An example of this recently was that we discovered while using Internet Explorer the system would calculate incorrect order amounts. I reported this and it was already known and I was surprised we had not been informed of this before.

Given that my complaint dates back to last May I’d say it isn’t on the priority list, but I share your reasons. We probably need to double check against a Sales Detail X report but it bites that we have to.

A well managed and executed event sells a buttload of wine, if anyone is listening.

A bug list would be great, but Vin65 has already said no to such a thing. The part of the reason why I started the original facebook group, to be able to share these things so we don’t all spin our wheels. Now, this forum is your wiki.

Disappointed to hear that we can not create a bug list. I think it would also be useful for the support team as I often get different answers depending on who you are dealing with and then you finally get to someone that knows about the bug.

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