Inventory on events

I have a limited number of tickets available and I want to sell them both on the website and in the tasting room. The tasting room POS pulls from inventory B and website from inventory A. How do I set this up so we don’t oversell tickets by selling from 2 separate inventory pools?

I’ve figured out that if I put all the tickets in the website inventory pool and I set up a POS profile to pull from that pool then I can use device settings in the POS menu to change the POS profile and reload POS just to sell the tickets. After that sale, I change it back to the normal POS profile and reload POS to continue selling wine in the tasting room. This seems very cumbersome for tasting room staff. Is there a better way?

I wouldn’t change POS profile back and forth frequently, I’ve reported a bug related to that, they do seem to be working on it more or less actively though.

You could also use “additional order info” during checkout to change the pool. I don’t know how well that works in practice but it seems straightforward. You could enforce by preventing the regular POS pool from selling any tickets.

Or you could do what I do: ignore inventory completely, check sales daily and when it gets down to a few tickets left go to TR sales only. And you’ll of course keep a few tickets in your back pocket for those really good club members who were vacationing in Bali for the last month and just now heard about the event… :wink:

the addtnl order info sounds like a good option to try. i don’t understand what you mean when you say enforce by preventing the regular POS pool from selling any tickets. how is that accomplished?

In manage SKU for the POS pool uncheck Product Uses Default Inventory and choose Don’t Sell… actually this looks like something that should work but I haven’t tried it. Let us know what you find out.

i don’t think that choosing Don’t Sell… works because it only uses that when it is out of stock and if it is out of stock then the product cannot be added to the cart. In my tests it throws an error message: “Error adding ProductSKU: TOS818 to cart. ProductSKU could not be found or is out of inventory.”

The plan I’ve settled on:
I’m going to put inventory in for the tasting room pool so that the product can be added to the cart. I’ll instruct tasting room staff to choose “additional order info” and change the inventory pool to default. I’ll have to monitor daily sales to make sure they have remembered that step and if not, then I’ll manually decrement the default inventory.

thanks for the advice, Jeff.