Arrange Products in Bulk Mode?

Is there any way that any of you know… Have any of you figured out how can you “arrange products” on multiple groups to keep them in an order that is consistent between groups? My goal is to standardize the sequence from category to category. For example, the Red Wine Group or the Merchandise group on the POS would match the order and sequence of products on the website.

I would like to export my product list, tweak the order number of items and re-upload them. A bulk export and modify as a spreadsheet and re-upload?

The individual page “arrange products” does not offer a convenient print mechanism short of a screenshot to help me out.

Any thoughts?

My solution is to have only a very few POS categories so I am not spending my time doing the manual Arrange every time I change the products. One for current wine releases, one for tickets, and some event specific categories that get enabled as needed.