Benchmark Performance Metrics

Hello! I’m working to establish goals for our key performance metrics, and I’m hoping this community can help me identify some benchmarks. By aggregating anonymous performance data for Vin65 users, we can create a resource of significant use to us all. I’ll be delighted to compile and package it intuitively for the benefit of all contributors if you wouldn’t mind providing some high level performance data—completely anonymously—related to site traffic, conversion rates, total sales, etc.

Please let me know if you think participation would be reasonably high, and I’ll create a form for anonymous submissions.

Thanks so much,

William Nutt
Chapter 24 Vineyards

You might want to actually reach out to the Silicon Valley Bank, who does industry surveys and groups them into cohorts.

Shoot Garrett Hoemmen a message at He heads up the Oregon division.

Not to discourage you from aggregating benchmarks, it sounds like an awesome project for stat nerds.

Thank you!