Bookkeeping report for daily sales to QuickBooks

I need to create a report to enter my daily sales into QB that reconciles with EPay, ie. what actually hit the bank on a given day. This report needs to include sales by SKU, qty, price, and total shipping and total sales tax. Does anyone have any suggestions?

So this is actually the Daily Activity Report that you are looking for I believe.

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Hi Jay,

What I’m finding is that any orders that have been quarantined for whatever reason, are not included on the DAR, but the sale is actually processed & batched through USA Epay. It’s easy enough to find one or two here or there but when you’re talking about literally 100’s of orders from an allocation release that are quarantined one day, and released on a different day, well I’m sure you can imagine the bookkeeping nightmare it creates.

Yeah, this problem has reared it’s ugly head for me in the past. There are a few ways to handle it, but the best way we found was either

A. Clear all quarantine orders every night and delay QB work by a day or two to ensure you capture all the info. In essence run 2 days behind in QB

B. Not worry about all of the info making it to QB since it is all in Vin65 and just do the money reporting on a weekly basis in QB.