Can I back date orders processed in vin65

I want to enter a bunch of orders into vin65 that were processed, paid and picked up at cellar door 2 weeks ago (the reason they weren’t processed at the time was because our internet was down). They were paid for using our manual EFT machine (not in vin65).

Can this be done…ie can I enter a date as I enter this order. This will be a lot of work to reconcile from our bookkeeping side if we can’t do this.


Hi Jillian, yes you can import history orders by using the Settings -> Import/Export -> Order History Importer. There is a sample file to download and follow that same format, which would have an Order Date field you can fill in.

Hi David,

Please confirm I need to enter the orders first, then import and edit the sales date?

Hi Jillian,
No you download the template and edit/add the orders (with order date) in the Excel file. Then do the import into Vin65. If you still need help then I’d suggest sending a ticket to with your contact info and we will reach out to you and review your data file. Thanks!

Also, do break up your orders into smaller chunks, just do a small number of orders at a time at first, and make sure it is working correctly. This applies to any import.

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Hi David,
I’m unsure how to download the template to add/edit orders. I have now entered all the orders today dated 1/12/16. (no other orders will be processed today). These need to be back dated to the 20/11/16 if possible. Can you do this from your end?