Can't enter dates: POS (not admin)

We are having problems entering dates: shipping dates and manual cc expiration dates being the main issues. This includes drop-down menus and is happening at multiple locations. Has anyone else had this issue, and what steps of resolution are available? This is especially concerning with compliance and not being able to capture date of birth for shipping orders.

I have not reproduced it yet, but the Tasting Room reported it this morning that they cannot enter shipping dates from our computer desktops.

Hi @lucaswillett. The workaround (until this bug gets fixed by Vin65 devs) is to use your tab button from the previous field (the “Day” field in the case of dates) and then hit enter (or return on a Mac). You will then see the months dropdown appear where you can then use your keyboard arrow keys or your mouse/trackpad to select the month you need. Hope this helps!