With our last system, we turned off shipping to individual states during times when weather is not conducive to shipping wine safely.
The temperature hold part of the system is an area that needs some work. I have suggested that they port over the capabilities of WineDirect’s system to Vin. Basically, it allows you to view orders by State that are on temperature hold. You can then release one or all of the orders in the state when temperatures improve or if a customer approves the shipment of their wine. One big annoyance has been reliance on the “future ship” date in Vin65 for when it checks for shipping / tracking updates and begins sending out emails. We often put a future temperature hold date into Vin65 but will watch for weather improvements to ship. Unfortunately, Vin65 will not pull down the tracking details and often months later when they finally reach the shipping date in their system will see that an order shipped and trigger emails to customers confusing them thinking we are shipping another shipment of wine.