Okay folks, we’re now at that time of the year that I get asked “other websites have a box that I can check for a weather hold, so why don’t you!?!”
Is that something that is functional in Vin65 that we simply haven’t done or, if not, what sort of creative solutions have other wineries used to make this happen?
I think maybe it isn’t in Vin65 because weather hold is more of a fulfillment thing. That’s where I control weather holds.
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Oh, I didn’t get that it’s something you want customers to request… at least for Vin65 with WD Fulfillment: we control the hold at WD. If a customer wants a hold they can ask for it in the order notes. Any order with order notes gets held at WD until we clear the notes (and do anything else required, like set a hold.) This seems to be okay for us.
Please check out the Facebook posting as I can’t figure out how to include screenshots here.
Yeah, the customers don’t want that. They want an actual box that they check that creates that note in the shipping instructions and, as mentioned, many of my customers can’t figure out what that order notes section is actually for (I get phone numbers in there, “thank you”, etc and then they get upset because it causes a delay even though I have it noted right at the Order Note box that anything added there CAN cause a delay).
As noted elsewhere, I’m told that this exists on other winery websites, so I don’t know if what they are referring to are wineries that also use Vin65 and is a function we simply haven’t used yet, if these other wineries are using a different system, or if the customer is just making it up to prove a point… I hesitate to ask because, if I DO call them out on a lie, that’s REALLY set them off.
So I go the back-channel route here.