Today all of a sudden it seems that the POS system is only charging 6.25 percent tax rate. We have changed nothing. In fact in the admin panel CA state profile, it is showing that we have it set for 7.25 percent, however it is still only charging 6.25 percent. Anyone else having this issue?
Holy crap - you’re right - us too! (Calaveras County)
I’m waiting to hear back from SC support…
From SC support:
“I see what you mean, and I apologize for the inconvenience. While we look into this, you can use the premises tax rate option to manually input the tax rate you’d like to collect. If you input 7.25% in the box to the top-left, and select “premises” as your tax preference for onsite orders, all onsite orders to that state will collect the rate you’ve input in that box.”
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