Possible to add Retail price to Inventory Report? Or inventory to Ship Compliant/Snooth report?

Hi. I am working with over 300 active wine SKUs and occasionally handle inbound phone sales and I want to be able to more quickly suggest wines or answer questions about price and availability.

The inventory summary gives me everything but the price, although I’d love if it had ‘varietal’ as a column.
The Ship Compliant report would be great if it had inventory on it.

Is there any report or view that has Product Name, SKU, Inventory, and price on it? Or is this a feature request? I know how to make these offline but wish one were downloadable.

If these fields were all on the product exporter that would work too!

Or maybe either of these would work too!

  1. The view of products contains Name, SKU, price, Qty in inventory (instead of the 4 clicks it would take to find this out)
  2. A tool like the ‘add an order’ filtering, but outside of it, since almost always people don’t want to talk about billing/shipping before they know what the order contains.

Adding price and COG to Inventory Sold would be brilliant.