QR Code for Newsletter Signup

Is there a way to create a QR code that can be displayed in my tasting room for newsletter signups? The default newsletter signup on our homepage does not have its own URL to link to a QR code.

I would just use a QR code generator - there’s lots available online if you Google “QR code generator”. You just need to add in the link where you want the QR code to go.

I agree that would work. My problem is there is no URL to link to. The subscribe button is on my homepage. When you type in an email address and hit Subscribe, a popup opens with a Captcha. There doesn’t appear to be a different URL for the subscribe function.

Right, got it. We use MailChimp for newsletter sign ups but if you’re using WineDirect’s system there definitely should be a URL available!

Why don’t y’all just make a new additional standalone page for mailing list sign-ups and have a QR code link to that?