Help me understand the algorithm for choosing the Influencers. I have three guys who all seems to have Twitter but not Facebook. All three last made a purchase a year ago. My Stats show twice as many Facebook users as Twitter users, and the average LTV for Facebook is higher. Why are you showing me Twitter users in the Influencers list?
How do I access the 4th thru Nth Influencers on the list?
On the feed, is “twisted oak” considered one keyword or two? Should I not do this? What are best practices here? Do I need to change my winery name to a single word?
I entered twistedoak, #twistedoak, and @twistedoak. The first is my Facebook page name ( - no result. The second is a hashtag I use regularly on Instagram - no result. The third is not anything for me, actually, but I got a result. The funny thing though is that when I clicked one of the posts it took me to a twitter post that had not a hint of my keyword “@twistedoak”. Why?
Is there a “-” syntax to exclude terms? (It seems to work…!)
It looks like the feed will return a limit of 5 results. True?
How do I list/report/etc. all of my e.g. Facebook users?
In the General Information there is a place to plug in a twitter name. If I discover a twitter name for a customer that the new Social stuff has not found, what happens when I put in the twitter name?
In all honesty, we haven’t linked those two together as of yet. Not that we wont, it was just used very minimally, and we had to focus on high value results, we may be bringing way more to this page down the road.
We’ve tweaked the algorithm a little bit.
It’s based off last order date, and if your account fits within 10% of the average amount of followers.
Now anyone who shows is someone you can take action on, since they’ve recently bought something from you.
Meaning if Selena Gomez buys from you, you’d be able to start tweeing her, thanking her for buying some wine from you.
Well, okay, it was used minimally because there was no reason to use it really. Now you have given us one.
The last time I created a custom list in Facebook from my club members I got a count 50% larger than the count your Dashboard algorithm found. That means at least 1/3 of my club members will have to be plugged in manually if I want to continue tracking them in the new Social stuff. And that’s just club.
That seems to be of value, if the rest of it has value.
I’m sorry, I feel like I am missing some words here.
If your average follow count is 100 across your site,
and Fred the Chicken places an order through the system and he has a follower count of 90 or above.
He will show as the top person on your social influencers list.
Think of it like a list of your orders descending with people who have a good amount of followers.
But if I am reading between the lines, you don’t update this little list of three until we get an order, and if Fred doesn’t make the cut, the list stays as is. Correct?
Thats correct, the main factor in the feed is an order.
So if Fred doesn’t buy enough followers to be apart of your average. He’s a pretty sad chicken.
So then my second question in the original post: how do I get to 4th through Nth in the list?
A three name window is tiny. When it’s slow I can’t go say thanks to a few more - Selena could be sitting there in 4th unbeknownst - and when it is busy Selena might show up and then leave the list before I have a chance…
Perfect question,
We have the ability to show as many results there as we want, but I don’t think thats what you’re really asking.
We should have a way/page that let’s you see a list of these social MVPs, and I do agree with you, as we do grow this set of features we will provide some better insight on that.
Things like a weekly email, separate tab, list builder, are all things we’re exploring, right now, most importantly, we’re gathering feedback.
So my feedback is that apparently there is still a lot of chaff in this, and a window of 3 on Influencers (or 5 results on the feed) doesn’t really give us much to work with. Like I had 3 people that I couldn’t really go to the next step with. If we could decide how many results ourselves then we could play with it and get more of a feel for it. Maybe a number of results in Customize… or a Long/Short checkbox?
@Karson Here’s another good example after your recent update: In my new list of 3, two of them are close friends, so I’d just as soon have them out of the way (they hear from me anyway). You’ve given me no way to do that yet so at least a longer list gives me options. Thanks.