Thank you all for listening in to our presentation today. For those of you that may have missed it, part of the Vin65 team will be attending the Half Corked Marathon event in Oliver, BC this weekend. We will be using our POS system to sell merchandise such as t-shirts, wine glass holder, tasting tickets and other common event merchandise. On this presentation, I walked through some adjustments you will want to make to your POS system when you plan on using it at an event.
Here is a copy of the talking points for today’s presentation. EventPOSPresentation.docx (160.6 KB)
Thanks and feel free to leave any comments, questions or any feedback - I will be happy to address them 
The training moved very quickly - the transcript helped fill in the blanks.
Very helpful - thank you!
Thanks for posting the talking points, Thursday afternoons continue problematic for me for making the webinar and this helps.
Two things. I suspect that giving away a 46brix membership as a prize would be illegal in California, because it can only be used to purchase alcohol - alcohol prizes or prizes that can only be used to acquire alcohol are not legal. I’ll usually do a gift card because our store offers a wide selection of gift items. Just a caution.
Also not quite understanding your cash transaction resolution, unless you were trying to keep things “under the table”.
I’d think for proper accounting you’d want to enter those cash sales in as an order at the end of the day, which would resolve the inventory and record the cash collected…
That’s a good point. Running one giant cash order at the end of the day would work as well for Inventory and will be better for Reporting. I’ll change this recommendation for next time I do a presentation on this topic. Thanks, @ElJefe!
If you are planning on taking your POS system off site, I’d encourage you to watch this video for some adjustments you may want to make:
If you’re planning on taking your POS offsite, I’d actually recommend you watch this video: