Thursday Training Webinar - POS Features

Thank you for listening to today’s training webinar on POS setup. To summarize, we talked about ways of using Arrange Products and POS Categories to make your SKU’s easy to find for tasting room staff.

We talked about Carrot tools and how it can help your tasting room staff upsell and provide a better customer service experience

We talked about Emails, both Action Emails and Email Confirmation. Action Emails are great to remind your customers of their shopping experience and encourage them to be a Club Member or buy more Products. Email Confirmation is an effective way of increasing the size of your database. You can also create a customized email receipts for Tasting Room transaction so it is more personal than the generic website Order Confirmation.

Lastly, we went over Sales Attributes as a good way to label an Order with the purpose of the transaction. For example, things like Donations and Samples.

I hope you were able to gain something out of the webinar and I will be happy to address any questions you may have in this thread.


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This looks pretty useful and you mentioned a couple things I was unaware of - like carrots on the POS. I’d like to know more about that.

(Being around for a Thursday afternoon webinar seems to be problematic for me, though granted I don’t always have a hockey game to go to… anything you can do to capture these sessions for later viewing would be hugely appreciated!)

Webinar recording for this topic is ready:


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