Where is Home.htm file

Where do I find my Home.htm file when I do a ftp with Filezilla of the files on my Vin65 web site?

Can I edit it with Notepad?

Thank you for your help.

This should be in v65html folder. You download, edit, upload and then you have to parse the file in the Designer Launch. You might have a separate mobile file too.

You should be able to edit in in Notepad. There are nicer editors out there though.

Thank you I found it.

I was told that this was the template for my Kiosk page. Does that sound right? It looks more like my home page for the web site.

Thanks for your help.

Hold on thar!

If you want the Kiosk page, go to Settings->Users->FTP accounts and set up a Kiosk ftp login name and password.

When you log into your server this way it should take you directly to your Kiosk files including home.htm


Thank you so much. I forgot about that. I set up both FTP accounts, I just didn’t remember that their would actually be two different accounts to login to.

I am just trying to either delete the “Blank Winery” logo and add my own or even just delete the one that is there.

And assets>images>logo.png is the right .png


But when I do an inspect on my web page, https://binghamwine.vin65kiosk.com/

I see it refering to:

Vin65 Kiosk

I think that my logo.png is OK, but should I take our the alt=“Vin65 Kiosk” ?
