Who Hard Bounced after "Clean List"?

I just did a “Clean List” of our entire set of Contacts because I’m sending out a newsletter (the last time I “cleaned” was two months ago). Several of the Contacts got a hard bounce. How do I know which ones they are? One would think that the cleaning results email would send this information…

Obviously, my list already had many hard-bounces, but I just want to know the latest ones because I might be able to correct the email address. The hardbounces may be email addresses typed in incorrectly, and I can often correct them because I know the person’s first and last name (assuming these are spelled correctly). But I can’t figure out how to extract just the last set of hardbounces. Please help!

Go to the list in list builder. After you generate list on tab 2, click download CSV in the upper right corner.

@ElJefe Why would that not give me all the hardbounces in the list, as opposed to just those that were generated in the last cleanlist? I want just the most recently hard-bounced…

You’d have to do a before and after then. I don’t know of another way.

In my 20-20 hindsight, I would have put all my blank people into a temporary contact type and just cleaned that new list. But now I’m SOL…

This won’t be 100% accurate, but you could always run the list and then sort by date added. It would at least help you identify new customers with bad email addresses…

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Brilliant! Thank you @EdFarmCollective.