When we went to manage a contact on the POS and went to credit cards we kept getting an issue when entering the credit card manually. It would go blank and loose all data when we switched fields. We tried logging out, closing out Vin65 totally, different contacts etc… and we kept experiencing the same issue. I’m wondering if this is a bug?
We have had so many issues trying to enter CC, club etc from the pos side that we no longer bother. We do this by entering the admin panel and going to the “contacts” tab there.
The pos is flaky and we have new and different tissues with it on a daily basis.
I agree with this, emphatically. For the reasons mentioned by @marijones and then some.
Staff has been somewhat hesitant, since it takes an additional new login and (I’m speculating) doesn’t look quite as user friendly as the POS, but admin panel walks you through more step by step, and actually works. More than makes up for POS frustrations.