Another reporting question

Is there a way to sort through POS transactions and only view orders that contain bottle purchases?

As opposed to non-wine purchases?

It’s not built in to the new reports, but if you run an Order Detail report, there is a column called Product Type and you can simply filter out any non-wine items.

yes but not exactly what I’m looking for . Thanks!

If you can give us some more info on what exactly you’re after, I bet we can point you in the right direction.

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I want to take the number of orders and calculate the percentage of them that include bottles of wine. Thanks!

Do a pivot table to count bottles per order on a sales detail report. Then you can add up the number of orders that have a non zero bottle count and divide by the total orders.

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Do you use depts to separate wine? We do Bottle Wine, Wine by the Glass, and Tasting Fees as separate depts. I don’t know if that’s helpful or not? Maybe you already do that.

I have each of those in a separate dept, yes.