Is there a way to sort through POS transactions and only view orders that contain bottle purchases?
As opposed to non-wine purchases?
It’s not built in to the new reports, but if you run an Order Detail report, there is a column called Product Type and you can simply filter out any non-wine items.
yes but not exactly what I’m looking for . Thanks!
If you can give us some more info on what exactly you’re after, I bet we can point you in the right direction.
I want to take the number of orders and calculate the percentage of them that include bottles of wine. Thanks!
Do a pivot table to count bottles per order on a sales detail report. Then you can add up the number of orders that have a non zero bottle count and divide by the total orders.
Do you use depts to separate wine? We do Bottle Wine, Wine by the Glass, and Tasting Fees as separate depts. I don’t know if that’s helpful or not? Maybe you already do that.
I have each of those in a separate dept, yes.