Does anyone know how to change the shipping date after the order has been rung up? I need to place a weather hold on a shipment and did not do so while ringing up the order. I would imagine there is a way to fix this after that fact. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As far as I have been able to tell, if you did not specify a ship date at the time of order completion, you are unable to add a future ship date to the order.
Seems like a glaring omission to me.
I agree with Ryan. No way to over-ride the date once it has been processed.
Option 1: Cancel order and reprocess it. If you do this before the original charge settles, it will just void the transaction so it only hits their card once.
Option 1: Depending on your fulfillment stack, you may also change the future ship date in ShipCompliant or your Fulfillment house, though this will not be shown on the customer’s receipt.
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Thank you, that was super helpful. I greatly appreciate your response.
Thanks for replying. I think that it is quite the omission as well.
Okay, thank you
can’t you open up the order, go to the shipments tab, change the ship date and reprocess it?
I use this to copy and past the tracking number and date once I get it from fedex.
No. When I open up the order and go to the shipments tab, it only lets me change the shipping status but not the shipping date.