Clarification about new club processing email features

“Within your club processing emails, you can now streamline your pre-processing communications by including //ClubBlob// and //ClubName// fields to automatically populate your club and unique members’ order information. Easily let your customers know about their upcoming club shipment before you process it. You can also use the opportunity to confirm their mailing address or credit card information.”

So if I understand this correctly:

  • I can include these tags in emails sent from the club member tab prior to or after processing.

  • I can include these tags in the emails that go out during processing (the ones chosen on the setup tab).


I like this because people don’t normally remember exactly which club they are in.

However, I normally segment and send different emails to pickup and ship members because they are on different schedules and need different information. I don’t see how to do that here…?

Hey Jeff,

  • I can include these tags in emails sent from the club member tab prior to or after processing.
  • Yep, thats correct!
  • I can include these tags in the emails that go out during processing (the ones chosen on the setup tab).
  • If I’m understanding this correctly, this is the existing functionality, which still works the same!

As well,
Under the “Send To” where you send the emails, you can filter by pickup & ship to segment between them. (As we

Can you point me to what is in the blobs? Specifically, we use the Choice clubs and have always wanted to communicate what our Members have selected but in the past were unable to do this and am hoping this is now available to us.

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I totally missed the non-processed - more coffee! - thanks!

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Excuse the developerness of these screenshots, but here is what the club blob renders out:

Love having the club blob now, if we can get people to read their emails that will help a lot :wink:

I support Mark’s request to be able to send something that sends a member what they chose. Because mistakes can be made, right now I do that manually - one email at a time - with each member that makes a choice other than the standard package for their club.

If I could send a blast to all members showing what they are getting, I would avoid choice mistakes, but by reminding members one more time that they can make a choice, I would Sell More Wine.


Has anyone actually tested this with success?

I just spent a day of testing and then just got off the phone with Bobby with Vin65 Support, I’m sorry to report this doesn’t actually work correctly.

The club info still needs an order associated with it, which defeats the point of “pre-processing” as the new feature role out described.

SO glad I spent so much time on this during harvest, before processing a shipment, etc. etc. Just what I had time for… nottttt :wink:

Good news! I figured this out and I apologize for the false alarm, it DOES work.

That said… the documentation page seriously needs to be written and updated, and the support team needs some serious training BEFORE new features role out!

Glad I get to use my email, but sheesh, this theme of pre-mature rollouts and unclear documentation could really be improved, guys!

For those of us about to follow - like, um, tomorrow :wink: - what do we need to know to get it to work? Thanks!

The documentation should have included screen shots (like above) to show exactly where in club processing this is - in fact, documentation hasn’t really been updated much and it still has all the same disclaimers about club autopopulated fields in emails (probably why Support didn’t even know how to help me. Seriously, many emails and multiple phone calls and I had to tell Support where I found how to make this work).

It’s not in the “send club email” option under clubs, below “club processing”. It’s also not in the first tab of building a club shipment (where the shipping & pick up emails are), it’s in the 3rd tab, under club members. Jeff, you’re a genius when it comes to Vin65, so maybe you knew this already, but it was news to me. I should have looked here in the forum first before calling Support, the screen shots made it immediately obvious to me that I had been in the wrong place. I guess I was hoping all along, “Oh dear god, they didn’t put it THIS far into club processing did they?!”

If you have a lot of clubs like I do, you have to essentially build out all of your shipments, then your orders for each, add everyone to a shipment and THEN you can send the email. I may cheat and add just 1 SKU at $0 to speed up the process plus avoid any accidents just to get an email out. If someone cancels or changes anything at all (alternate ship date, new cc, new shipping address, etc.) between when your email is sent and the day you plan to bill, you have to be sure to edit one by one, remove everyone, or even delete that club shipment - I would honestly probably do the latter which is pretty ridiculous but I’m considering it.

Basically, it’s too much extra work to just send an email out. The same rules as before apply - the autopopulated fields of //ClubBlob// and //ClubName// don’t work in send mass email, or at the individual level. It has to be associated with club processing.

So, overall, this was a nice thought, but a thought from a developer, not someone in our customer service based role who actually sends these emails out and has all the other things going on we need to get done in a day! The Developers don’t seem realize we don’t send this preshipment email in the morning and then bill in the afternoon. We have to give people time to respond, which inevitably results in changes - that is what the purpose of the email is, after all - double check that this info is all correct, and change it if it isn’t. Even Support agreed with me that this is not a viable option when it comes to efficiency - it’s quite tedious to get an email out. I appreciate the effort, but this needs adjusting in my eyes. Maybe if you have everyone in your wine club in 1 single club it would work for you (is that even a thing? I wish haha!) I am still undecided if I am going to use this email, or just go back to my usual one - need to decide by tomorrow because I need to get it out!

If you use it, let me know how it goes for you. I am sick of trying new features out right after roll out, I should know better by now, it never ends well. It sucks, because I’m always so excited about them. But anything vague is a dead give away to me now.

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KatieO, thank you for keeping everyone up to date. This is one more area that keeps bringing me back to wanting to merge all things club back into the system. Between discounts not working in the club area, updating credit cards working different in the club area than the normal area, orders that say club that are not in stats if processed outside the club area, etc.

Emails should be done and come from one place, not sometimes in the club area, not sometimes in list builder, not sometimes in the action menus…In addition, data fields that are stored in the database about our customers need to be accessible for emailing. Eliminate “blobs” and more importantly, make all info for the customer available. We use the Choice feature for our clubs yet we cannot send an email to a choice member that tells them what their choices are. That just doesn’t make sense. We end up skipping hundreds of orders during club processing after we send out the initial email so that we can pick another day, add to a shipment, etc. We also do a ton of refunds and recharging which always causes problems with our customers. Editing in the club area is dicey because discounts don’t work, shipping rates work differently, etc. Please keep requesting this to change and I will do the same.

Thanks again


YESS to all of this, Mark! We’re all in this together… I’ll keep pushing!

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