I have been going through the forums and haven’t found an answer to my question so forgive me if its a repeat. My understanding is after processing a club run it will automatically deplete my inventory. This makes sense because the product has been sold. The question then comes up how do people manage these large amounts of inventory that have been pre sold but still exist onsite waiting to be picked up? We have a small tasting room separate from our production facility and are constantly restocking the TR with new wines. When a member comes to pick up his/her wine club shipment which has been paid for we package up the appropriate wines. After the club member leaves my inventory is now depleted without showing a sell because the wine is already out of inventory. What practices do people use for this and if I am missing something please let me know.
We do this: After the run I do a sales detail x on not picked up club orders and a pivot table to figure out how many cases sold. Then I put those aside, and have separate case stacks in the tasting room to pull the pickups from. But the other thing I do is have a policy that after 90 days we reserve the right to substitute a different wine of equal value. This creates an incentive to pick up on time, and helps with not having a lot of old sold inventory to store.
Thanks for the response, this is what we have done in the past. We were open only for releases and pickups at a much larger production facility. Recently we opened a Tasting Room and there simply isn’t enough space to store the wine club separate from our Tasting Room Wine. We bring wine down regularly to restock the Tasting Room so its problematic to have other cases just sitting not accounted for filling up space. Is there a way to process wine clubs, have the wines go into a holding area then upon pickup the system deducts those bottles from inventory? This way I don’t have to worry about overlap in the Tasting Room, the inventory is accounted for and I can fill as needed.
Not that I know of. You will probably have to find some way to account for it outside the system. You could make a fake pool, run a report of what was picked up today, and manually adjust it - but I bet there is an easier way.
I agree that there isn’t a good way to handle this. We run our club out of a fake inventory location and then transfer the wine that is picked up from the tasting room inventory to the fake inventory on a regular basis. The fake inventory should equal the club wines to be picked up. Not ideal and a lot of work. If there is a better way please let me know too!
We have two inventory pools - Tasting Room and Winery. We have the club processing pull from the “Winery” inventory and pre-package all shipments that went through on the first processing run so these are set aside. When our weekly tasting room order arrives from the winery, the pre-packaged shipments are included so they don’t get mixed up with tasting room inventory that is unsold. We also have a system for storing and managing unclaimed wine shipments. I know this wouldn’t work for everyone but it works for us. For people who pay for their shipment after it has been processed, we ring them up different so it is pulled from Tasting Room inventory and we take the bottles from the shelf/tasting room stock to fill the order.