When setting up and processing your club, there are a few tips and tricks that may help you:
Always preview a few club orders before processing to ensure that the items, shipping, taxes, etc look like they are correct.
If you are running a user choice club, it’s a good idea to run your user choice club report to get an idea of what choices people have selected.
If you need to process multiple clubs at the same time, do so in different web browsers or on different computers. Trust me, you don’t want to have multiple Vin65 tabs open in the same browser.
Qualification date is used to determine eligibility for a club shipment. If a customer cancels their membership, and then cancel date is after the qualification date, they will still be eligible for the shipment
You can send out emails directly from the club processing window on the Club Members tab.
I’m charging cards tomorrow, June 1st, but set the qualification date as Monday, June 4th in case we get some changes with declined cards over the weekend. Will this still work? or does my qualification date have to be the day I charge cards?
Qualification date is simply the date on which you want to know if they are a member or not. It has nothing directly to do with the date you run the charges. You’re just saying “I’m charging everyone tomorrow who is a member on Monday.”