Club Sales (non cluborder) Report

Please someone help my brain.

I want a sales report that shows total sales by ClubMembers. Sales Detail doesn’t seem to work for this, or Sales by Date.


I feel like this should be easier but I need to do this for reporting sales by club members outside of club shipment/releases. Here’s how I do it: In Sales Detail you can isolate the customer type. I see this in column Z and it’s called “contact status.” You can sort this column and just add up the “club member” transactions (other transactions will be repeat customer, 1st time, etc). If you have club members that signed up and purchased that day, we use a coupon for them and then you can add up these sales by coupon type. I hope this helps!

@Brent - from your KPI post awhile back I am not sure if this was mentioned but I need a better way to accomplish this.

Sales by Club in Club Order
Sales by Club in X ordertype
Sales by a Certain Club on a Certain Period of Time


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My only issue is “Blank” contact status. This works great but 40% of sales are blank contact status.

Shouldn’t those be Purchasers?


Could be new sign ups, customers who we didn’t put info on, no emails, Guest Customer check out only…


Sarah - does this mean club members need to be assigned to a club member contact type?

No. As long as they are a club member in the system they will show up that

Thank you