
This isn’t a problem for the first big club runs, but after that - when I am cleaning up the declines, special orders, new members, etc - I forget to go into Ship Compliant to release the orders and they can sit there unfulfilled (pun intended) for days before I find them.

Anyone got a clever workaround so these orders don’t get hung up, or at least a way to remember to release them?

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  1. Calendar reminders.

  2. If you fulfill via WineDirect, I believe you can use their API to transmit orders instead of ShipCompliant.

Is there a notification you can setup in ShipCompliant to remind you of this?

Dashboard of Vin65 has an Alerts area that you probably already use.

  1. That would have to be an eternal daily reminder. Ack.

  2. I do but apparently this is not an option.

If there is a SC notification, I am not aware of it - nor was it suggested by them…

That’s about all I use on the dashboard :wink: , but 5 days in fulfillment is already too late.