I just looked up a recent customer who purchased wine in the tasting room. When I went to add him to our allocation club, it said no contact type assigned. Why is he not in the system as a contact type customer once he purchased? Is there something I need to tie that contact type to? I noticed that happened when I uploaded our customer files, even though there was a contact type in the upload file but this was puzzling. Anyone have help?
Here’s my understanding of this topic. When someone purchases, they get an Email Status of “Purchaser”, but they are not automatically assigned to a contact type. You can build a list using Email Status as a parameter, so hopefully that will be sufficient for your needs. There is also an option under Settings > Website Settings > Contacts > General called “Contact Type to Add Checkout Visitor To”, but that section isn’t very well documented and I haven’t testing this, so I’m not sure what behavior to expect if you set this.
If you really need a contact type for all purchasers, you could create a list and check Email Status of “Purchaser”. You can then import this list into a contact type. Note that this would not be automated and would have to be done every time you plan on using that contact type.