Just wondering how other people manage cancelled memberships and on-going email contact? If a member cancels their pack, it generally means they want to cancel their entire association with the club. If I cancel the membership in WineDirect it leaves the member in the Club contact type, so they still receive all the emails etc and, potentially, unsubscribe (or get annoyed when they’re contacted about a delivery). It’s great to have the info relating to their past history, so I don’t want to delete the club but I also don’t want to email them about club stuff. I’m thinking the options might be to either transfer them to the Newsletter (general mailing list) contact type and keep their club history or create a list that excludes people with a cancelled club status. Any thoughts? Cheers!
I think that using a static Contact Type to send email to club members is best avoided. Sometimes I use List Builder to create a list of all current members, when I know that I want to email them all. You can email right to the List Builder list that will always be up to date with current members only, as long as you have in fact cancelled their membership.
Try to contact your members via club processing so that emails pertaining to shipments go to relevant members. This also eliminates the need for a club contact type in this case.
I use List Builder to add current members to some general email contact types, so that they will still hear from me after they cancel their membership. You can always use List Builder to exclude club members in situations where you are trying to contact only nonmembers.
Thanks @danjimerson. So the first notification email out with a basic timeline and wine selection could go out via List Builder list excluding cancelled members, then all other delivery info goes out via Club Processing, which will only contact active/current members?