Coupled Promos


I’m having promo problems! I have two promos, coupled together. One for a 15% discount and one for free freight. I received an order where the customer only received the free freight, not the discount. When I made a test purchase through the website, the discount was 20% and free freight had been applied.

Has anyone had a similar experience? I have another promo for our members which also offers free freight and a discount - they are both set up the same way but only the member promo works.

Not sure what is happening. I have similar promo’s coupled together and don’t have those issues. All I can suggest is going through the settings for each promo again and making sure everything is correct. This is when I usually find an error if one of my promos isn’t working.

Some of the things I usually set-up accidentally or miss setting up when I am trialing promos:

Are both promo’s coupled on their individual settings?
Is one set-up to use a code?
Is the correct contact/club type selected on both?
Is there and expiry/start date set?
Are they both active?
Do you have order minimums for the promo to activate?


Thank you! I couldn’t find a problem, so I scrapped them both and started again. Seems to be working ok now. I never seem to get promos right the first time! :persevere:

I rarely get them right the first time either.

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