I would like to set up a Promo that doesn’t affect store items that are on sale. There is an advanced option in the general settings of the promo that states it will only affect retail pricing, but it is still discounting items that are on sale. I would like to avoid having to update all of my promos every time an item goes on or off sale, seems like a big time waste. Please help!
If you don’t want a promo to apply to a specific product, the best way is to check the “No Promos Applicable on Product” in Manage SKUs/Advanced.
Fortunately, careful use of Product Export/Import can make this slightly less tedious. Always test your import on a small subset.
Hi the Jeff,
I have done it that way, I have also done it with “exclude products” in the promo setup. What I don’t understand is if I set up a generic 10% off promo how can I simply make a condition that it cant be applied to any sku with a sale price. So if I have multiple items within a cart it will only discount the non-sale items. If I am doing a weekend sale lets say, I would have to be turning products on and off and I am trying to avoid that.
Shrug. They didn’t code it that way. If your workflow is to set sale prices via import, set the no promo flag at the same time.
While it seems to make sense that if you set a sale price then promos ought to be auto-disabled, I’d bet you a dollar there is someone out there counting on promos applying to sale prices…
Whoa whoa whoa, Jeff. Getting a little rich for my blood here man, keep your money .
do you know what this is used for?
I do know that Sale Price is probably not a Price Level, a Price Level is something you define under Store.
My $.02 is to not use Price Levels and to not use Sale Price. Anything that’s a discount is a Promo. The sole example being Club Batch Setup. Also, if you haven’t done so already, have us turn on Security Groups for you so that you can restrict certain users from overwriting prices in POS.
Actually I later realized that I was the one who set a sale price and applied a promo to it!
For a concert ticket, there is a door price. I set the Sale Price to the pre-sale price, then the club price was a Promo discount from the Sale Price. Seemed perfectly natural.
It would be nice to make the ‘excludes’ area of promos work more easily.
For example, you can exclude:
Items with sale price
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