I want to run a report where I can total the wine sales for all ClubOrders in a certain time period by club tier. I tried Order Detail and can get everything but the club tier. I tried using Club (Col BH), but it only shows a club tier if it was run as part of a batch. The rest are all blank. Many of our orders are custom club orders run outside of club processing. Anyone know how to do this?
Hmmm… All I can think of is to run a Club Member report to give you Contact number and club in a table, then do the Order Detail, then copy the club table into a second tab, and do a lookup to populate a club column in the first tab.
Thanks Jeff. That sounds difficult but I’ll try to see if I can figure it out.
I would think everyone would want this kind of data, or am I wrong? Seems like there should be an easier way to get it.
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It seems like they would want to always want to populate that column on any order, but Vin65 works in mysterious ways. Feature request it for sure.