Is Base3 not using these tags anymore? A couple questions

I’m in my Base3 beta and I noticed that the Sandbox example site I was set up with doesn’t use…
<v65:css files="[files here]"></v65:css>
are these gone in Base3, or were they just not implemented in the example site?

Does Base3 allow custom layouts/nested layouts, a la: <v65:customFile file="/v65html/_filename.html"></v65:customFile>?

In the documentation it mentions (I can’t find it right now but I swear I read it and many of the product tags listed in the tag index support this) that Base3 tags no longer require a closing tag, but in the example site there are many closing tags. For example, <v65:mainContent></v65:mainContent>. Are these outdated from before a change, or…?

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… hello? :grin:

Hi Lindsay,

I saw your support ticket earlier, I’ll have our designer @Andrea reach out to you shortly.


Thanks, Trent. My questions can really be boiled down to: Is this not working because it’s been phased out in Base3, or because it’s still being worked on? :wink:

I found the jQuery, btw. Tell @andrea she can ignore that. THANK YOU for pulling in modern jQuery. (I won’t lie, it was so unexpected I just assumed it wouldn’t be there. My bad.)

Hi Lindsay,

  • <v65:metaTags></v65:metaTags> is now being brought in automatically so you don’t need to include it.
  • <v65:css files="[files here]"></v65:css> is a tag no longer available for use on Base3.
  • Base3 does allow for custom layouts, but the tag has changed to <v65:include>
  • Product tags are self closing in Base3, however, all other content tags still do require a closing tag.
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Thanks Andrea, are the meta tags being brought in just the basic ones, or will I find options in the settings somewhere for the open graph tags (for example)?

The meta tags being brought are still the same ones used in Base2 (title and description) so this doesn’t include open graph tags.

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Can I piggy back on this thread with a question? I see the Base3 for designer documentation. Is there a write up somewhere describing Base3 features, advantages, and use guidelines for site owners?

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Hi @jgavin-jgavin, we have some information here on Base3 for website owners and will be releasing more information when it comes out of beta. Stay tuned!

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