My big project this summer is to redo our website. Do any of you have experience with this? Some of your websites are great, and I’d really like to get some advice.
I have experience with this!
I’ll send you a message so we can connect.
Hi @ElizabethMason - If you haven’t already, I recommend you check out our Certified Designer page: where you can find designers who are familiar with our web tools. You can also see a portfolio of their recent work. Another useful resource is our eBook - 10 Ways to Improve Your Winery Website:
Good luck with your redesign!
My company, VinVibe, has experience with this and we are a Gold Certified Wine Direct Designer. You can get in touch with me at to discuss. We’d be happy to help!
I would not recommend Simply Platformed (Stephen Mutch).
We’ve done a few hundred site overhauls/migrations to WineDirect so let me know if you’d like to chat.
We’re Gold Certified Wine Direct Designers and have completed a few hundred developments on WineDirect. Connect with us at
Just keep in mind that you can have all of your web site with WineDirect or only your shopping cart, either way works. That might broaden your pool of people to hire as well as perhaps make it easier for you to do it yourself if you are already familiar with other software such as Wordpress for your main site.
Using this method can get you a better site, but also note that you get into some weird territory regarding subdomains, which isn’t a big deal, but has its quirks and complexities.
You’ll still need somebody to implement the cart portion of your website, though. Lots of good people mentioned in this thread that can help you.