Thursday Training Webinar - Promos

Hi all,

Thank you all for joining me on today’s webinar on Promotions. I have attached my talking points for the presentation down below. For any questions, comments or feedback, please feel free to post it on this thread and I will be happy to address them.

Promos presentation.pptx (2.9 MB)

PromoPresentation.docx (113.1 KB)

Here are the solutions for the Promo Scenarios:


Would you terribly mind maybe on Wednesday announcing these, and again Thursday morning? It’s hard enough getting free on a Thursday afternoon as it is, but I know that knowing it’s coming would help me… especially if I saw an important (to me) topic on the bill.

Training calendar would be cool.

Thanks for the feedback, guys - I’ll see what I can do :slight_smile:

I enjoyed reading through the presentation slides. One thing I’m wondering if whether you’ve tested the “Up to 30% off” vs. something like “25 - 30% off”. To me, the latter is more appealling.

i read them as:
“I’m getting at most, 30% off”.
“I’m going to get at LEAST 25% off”

The advantage is if you make your “up to” in really small font and make the 50% huge, you show a 50% sale at a glance. Highlighting only your biggest savings.

If you had put a range like 25-50%, you would highlight your biggest savings but also your smallest. At a glance, it might be perceived as a 25% sale.

Never trust a Canadian.