User Choice - Club Member Sign-Up

I don’t like having the options available on the sign-up page for the user choice. It looks awful. Is there any way to make options only after the customer sign’s up for the club?

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User Choice is half-baked. So much untapped potential there.


I am in the same boat as you @salinal. I just began offering user choice clubs and I don’t think there’s a way to do it, really. I’d like more control over where it appears, I actually think it looks pretty bad in the signup email to have every wine listed as a line item whether they chose it or not.

You can uncheck the box for each season to not show it on the website, but I assume you still want it to show in your member dashboard and unchecking would take it out of there too.

Yup… Totally Agree. It’s creating problems even for existing WC members who are now catching on that they can choose wines… and are ending up signing up for new clubs for goodness sake. If it wasn’t public facing they it would ensure a WC member would have to LOG IN… as their only option.

I also agree it looks bad and confuses people

This is why in the Season I leave Display on Web? unchecked. Instead I ask members to reply to my pre-shipping email with their choices. Lower friction and less explaining how to do it. It adds hours to my workload but I feel it’s time better spent than cajoling and explaining people to login etc…

A work around for sure but why work around…?

I just sent them a video of the process…

I’m trying to avoid the hours of workload addition and if we could simply have a box to check to show public or not that would be world class from my seat. And one to check to show private (WC members logged in). That would be double world class

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What a great idea! I think I may have to use this for our members. We went Users Choice because we were getting hundreds and hundreds of emails and calls during club ship and we wanted to be more efficient and get some of those hours back so we could focus on other things. Getting ready for my close up…