We allow all of our members to make changes to their club shipments so everyone is under a user choice club. When our members make changes to their wines, I normally receive an email that outlines what wines they would like to receive. This email I then print to give to our warehouse staff and then they know what wines to pack. If I don’t receive the email, then I have no idea they have made changes and then they will automatically receive the regular 6 pack of wines.
In past shipments we had issues with the emails not coming through to me when members made changes so I had to resend them new wine. It is happening right now again as we are in the middle of a shipment month and members are making changes but I am not receiving an email notification of what the changes are. Is there a reason why the emails are not coming through? And how can this be fixed asap?
I also know you can print a User Choice Club report for each season but I don’t have time to scroll through 2000 members and cross reference whether or not I received an email if they made a change to their order as this report shows everyone (even members who have made no changes). Is there another report I can print that ONLY lists the members that have gone in and made changes?
CedarCreek Winery
HI Leigh - I use the user choice for all my clubs also. The only way that I have found who has customize and who has not prior to charging is using the report and looking at the inventory of the different wines and totally the number of bottles they have in their package. Of course after you charge you can then pull a report via sales by date that has the “customized” vs “standard pack” listed.
In my mind when you go the charging screen there should be a drop down search for all of those that have customized!
Hi Leigh…
First thing I would do is check your Website Settings (you need to be a developer to have access to these settings, so if you are not, have your web developer/designer do it or submit a support ticket with Vin65 support and they will help you - Vin65 recommends NOT touching any of these settings if you don’t know what you’re doing and I would recommend taking their advice or you can mess up your site) - there are two things you want them to check for you:
Under the main “Settings” tab, have them double check that your email address is listed in the “Notification Email” field:

Under the “Contacts” tab, have them double check that the appropriate options are checked off under the “Notifications” accordion selector:

We do not use User Choice Clubs so I have no direct experience with what triggers an email notification being sent, but this is what first comes to mind if nothing else to rule them out as possible culprits. If your settings are correct, and you still aren’t receiving the emails you are expecting, then I would submit a support ticket to find out if something has changed or there is a bug somewhere perhaps introduced in a recent Vin65 code update.
Hope this helps!
~ Chris
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Maybe this will work. In the UC report there are columns for each wine and the quantity chosen. If you were to sort on all of those columns at once - in excel do a sort on X, then Y, then Z… - it would group all of the standard package people together and put the customized choices outside of the grouping, above and below depending on the sort results.
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I use that excel sort function on UC report for the items and I add a total # bottles column at the end of all the items so I can see who increased. You can also sort by Logged in date on that report I think!
A Pivot Table can also make quick work of that stuff, with less scrolling around. 
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