In our tasting room, each associate logs in under one login; they don’t have individual logins. When they sign members up for the club, they write their name on the application. It looks like in order to attribute the sign up to a sales associate in Vin 65, they need to be registered as an admin user. Is this true?
That doesn’t sound right.
I don’t think so. In fact, when I add a new employee as an admin I set up the sales associate first.
Sales Associates is what you need to document them for the sign up, and I do believe that an Admin User set up is required, but that you can make them inactive.
I just tested this and think it has changed… I was able to add someone as a Sales Associate but not an Admin User as well.
Hey guys, you can add SalesAssociates under Settings > Users > Sales Associates.
You can also attribute a Sales Associate to a specific User (Admin or not) by selecting the Sales Associate in their User setup. (You can also create Sales Associates on the fly from the User setup)
I can’t hashtag without it going into yell mode so: (hashtag)ifIownedawinery everyone would get their own login even if the email address you use to create the User account doesn’t exist. Caveat there is that new club signups don’t default to the Sales Associate you’re signed in as when adding a club membership from POS so the exact problem we’re talking about here isn’t solved. It does, however, make tracking sales (and therefore tips) easier.
Thanks everyone!!