App request: slideover support for the iPad app

Hey there,

Could it be possible for the winedirect POS app to support slideover, on an iPad? This means that you can have a mini version (iPhone sized) of the winedirect, accessible from any other app.

It would seem relatively trivial (in my head, anyway), as the app already has the layout view for compact views (used in iPad slideover) as it runs on iPhone-sized screens.

We are looking for a way to quickly lookup club members whilst using another restaurant-style POS system, and having the winedirect app accessible through slideover would make it a lot easier.

From what I can see, it would be a case of adjusting the UIrequiresFullScreen key in the info.plist. It might be on for a good reason, I suppose though.

Also, whilst I’m here making app requests: is there a reason why the ‘remember me’ button doesn’t work on the iPad?

Hi @alexanderburgess - thanks for this request! I encourage you to post this to our Ideas Forum, it’s the hub for our Product Team to review client ideas and requests, plus Ideas can be upvoted and commented on by other members of the WineDirect community.

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I’m writing a cook book called “1,000 Recipes and Ideas Never Implemented by WineDirect”

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