Average Order Spend

Does anyone know of a good report to determine the average order spend over a specific period of time?

You can run “Sales Summary” for a specific period. Then you can sort by something that puts all the total rows at the bottom, delete them, and just do the sum of subtotals / sum of counts = average spend.

Or, run sales by date, and divide the sum of subtotals by the count of rows (orders).

This may not be a total solution for you, @erin but the Daily Activity Report, which can be run over whatever date range you choose, will tell you:

Number of Orders:
Average Order Value:
Number of Refunds:
Total Refunds:

Among other things.

If you’re looking for the average spend of a single customer within a certain date range, you could use the Lifetime Value report (under Reports > Customers) to find customers by LTV and date.