So we’re doing a user choice club, we have everything dialed in but the page where members go to edit their selections is just awful! The text is smooshed and doesn’t go the full width of the page. The titles of the wines (which we have to write pricing into) gets put on two lines, and when there’s a max # of bottles set you can still choose for more bottles then you get an error message when you try to save that saying you can only choose 2 bottles of this wine, or 12 of that wine. Really awful user experience and a really ugly page. Please help!
Ours doesn’t look that bad but it’s still not very user friendly. This is why I decided to not expose the choices to users and instead I collect their choices via return email, and make the edits myself. It’s a bit tedious - a requested upload ability would be really helpful - but I comfort myself thinking of the extra $$ that result from the effort.
The formatting of the elements on the page could easily be changed in css, though you’d need a designer to do that if you’re not fluent in css yourself. The options in the select dropdowns could possibly be changed with javascript, but given that each entry could have different max quantities, it could be complicated. It would be much better and easier for Vin65 to make this change since I agree the current method leads to a bad user experience.
How did you do this? I don’t like the way it looks upon sign-up. But, I wouldn’t mind having it as an option when they login.
Can you please let me know how you turned off on the webpage?
When you set up the season, you can choose whether to display it or not.