We have discovered that daily reports are unreliable and have found discrepancies between numerous other reports. When we call we are told that there are challenges with said reports and they are fixing the bugs. Challenge is I’ve been basing goals and financials on faulty reports. Any way you can be proactive and notify when reports have been found to be faulty so we don’t have to find out after the fact?
We have a request in now to try and reconcile club reports. I ran a report for beginning of month and end of month club totals but when I try and run reports for signups and cancellations, it does tie to explain the monthly activity. I am concerned that the reports are wrong.
I have called customer service and was told they are aware that some of the reports are faulty. Put in a service Tag so we can try and reconcile the month. That was on Thursday last week was told they would get back to me, it’s Monday. Still waiting.
I too have open tickets with support for report issues. I have discovered quite a few report oddities and was told others were reporting similar issues. looks like we’re all in a holding pattern for the time being.
Really sorry to hear about that guys. We’re actually working on some exciting improvements around reports and your feedback will be very instrumental in shaping how the first version of this new tool will look like.
As such, do you guys mind giving a few more details about the pains you’re experiencing?
- Which specific report/s do you have the most trouble with? Feel free to list them all.
- How often do you generate these reports?
- What time periods do you usually report on? (ie: the past month, Q1 2016, or the 2015 fiscal year)
Thanks and, again, apologies for the inconvenience.
This post is becoming larger and larger as I attempt to get all my thoughts about reports down and may be tl;dr status for some of you, continue at your own risk.
Most issues we are facing seem to stem from reports not matching our bank statements, or each other, for a given time period. At the end of every month our accountants reconcile our various systems across all tenders against the bank statement for that month. The truth, it seems, lies in some vague combination of the reports bulleted below.
• Which specific report/s do you have the most trouble with? Feel free to list them all.
o Daily Activity Report
o Sales Detail X
o Payment report
o Sales by tender type
• How often do you generate these reports?
o We run reports monthly to close each accounting period. Then again at the end of the fiscal year to close the year.
• What time periods do you usually report on? (ie: the past month, Q1 2016, or the 2015 fiscal year)
o Typically, on the past month. At the end of the year we will run reports on the past year.
Sent to fulfilment orders are marked as completed – we don’t recognize the revenue until the order is ‘shipped’ (we’d love a way to run the daily sales report to exclude unshipped orders)
Refund orders are compliance checked, even when the original order was not. Causing quarantined refund orders
Paid orders in Pending status happen occasionally and won’t get picked up in our webservice data pull to our ERP causing reports to not match what we have posted to the GL.
Examples: (just a few, this post is seriously getting too lengthy)
Daily activity report –
selecting the bundles option ‘Show Individual SKUs only’ results in the report showing incorrect values for gross sales and discount amounts for wine. It creates 0 change in the discount column and instead just reduces the gross sales column by the discount amount. Effectively putting the ‘net sales’ value in the gross sales column for bundles.
Daily activity report doesn’t show all tenders for the day making it impossible to balance cash. If a cash order gets quarantined, we still have the $100 in the cash register but $0 shows up on the daily report. Then if the order gets fixed tomorrow the $100 shows up in the daily activity report and cash won’t match the drawers for 2 days.
Gross sales minus discounts math incorrect in some situations. My guess is that it has to do with order status being pulled by the report or something to that effect.
Wine product gross sales: $10
Wine product discounts: $2
Wine product Net Sales: $6
Sales Detail X – sales tax amounts on a line item basis are always wrong if there is an item that is nontaxable.
Here’s an order
Item 1 - $10 (nontaxable)
Item 2 - $10 (taxable)
tax: $1 (10% tax rate)
Total: $21
Here’s what the sales detail x report shows for this transaction
Item 1 - $10 , tax - .50
Item 2 - $10 , tax - .50
This makes it appear as though we paid 5% sales tax on both items. Instead of 10% on 1. Blatantly wrong.
I also want to mention that I’d actually be willing to volunteer some of my time to help shape and test this new tool.
@nico The number one thing on my list is to deal with the report timeouts. I get them all the time, sometimes even for a report covering a week or a day!
My first preferred solution would be that you find a two order of magnitude increase in performance so any size report finishes and is ready to download in seconds.
My second preferred solution would be to submit the report spec, and when it is ready get an email with a link to download it.
Your goal should be for any client to be able to get a full year of Sales Detail X, at least.
Thanks very much for asking - j
Just now I timed out on a Sales by Date for 17 days, from a fresh login. This is really getting sad.
Please see JKing’s reply above.
Also you have product type as a report metric,however I can’t run a detailed report by product type.
When you look at daily sales report, In the sales overview when the gross sales are added to the discount in lieu of being subtracted from the gross sales so consequently the net sales are completely off!
When you make a return the item price is accounted for in the report but sales tax and shipping are unaccounted for, so reconciliation is difficult.
If we can’t reconcile sales I don’t see the purpose of using your product as a POS. If a report doesn’t work or times out instead of giving us a work around, FIX IT!